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Why Bio-Kill?

Why is Bio-Kill a much better option? There are many Pest Control Companies, all using a variety of products with which to eliminate insects and other pests. The history of Pest Control has always been dominated by the use and – often – concerns of highly toxic...

How to Get Rid of Ants?

Most people are not aware that those tiny black ants, that some people actually find “cute”, can be carriers of microbes and bacteria that cause diseases.  Black ants should not be allowed to increase in population to the point where it becomes hard to...

How to get rid of Bed Bugs?

We seem to be having an even heavier infestation of bed bugs here in Gauteng than usual this summer, even though, over the last few years, we have seen a gradual and marked increase of bed bug infestations. There can be a few reasons for this, but mainly it is...